Trees, binary trees, threaded binary trees, heap
hierarchical structure
Trees and Binary trees
A tree is finite set of one or more nodes such that there is a root and remaining nodes are partitioned into disjoint trees. It’s hierarchical structure.
Degree of a tree: the maximum degree of the nodes in the tree
Leaf node: a node withe degree zero

A binary tree is a finite set of nodes such that empty or consists of root node and two disjoint binary trees, called, left subtree and right subtree.
There are 3 types of binary trees
- Full binary tree : a binary tree of depth k(≥0) having 2^k-1 nodes
- Complete binary tree : a binary tree with n nodes that correspond to the nodes numbered from 1 to n in the full binary tree of depth k
- Skewed binary tree
<Properties of binary trees>
- empty node is possible
- the order of subtree are important
- a binary tree is not a subset of a tree
- maximum number of nodes in a binary tree 2^k-1 where k: depth of the tree
- relationship between the number of leaf nodes(n0) and the number of nodes with degree 2(n2) => n0 = n2 + 1
- binary tree is hard to represent it by using array
- usually use linked list
Binary tree traversal
Traversal is to visit each node in the tree exactly once and it produces a linear order for the information in a tree.
- inorder (LVR)
- preorder (VLR)
- postorder (LRV)

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